Telltale Newsletter Index

News from the Commodore

By Cliff Donoho

Is it really September? This year seems to be racing by. The Friday night races ended on September 3, which signals the end of our primary racing season. It has been a good one due to the outstanding efforts of our Race Chairman, Aaron De Zafra, and Rear Commodore John Warren. The season is not over, however, for the Race Committee, as they are responsible for at least one more YRA race, the OYRA Drakes Bay race on October 2nd and 3rd, plus a couple of Club races.

We are all looking forward to our biggest cruise outing of the year, the back-to-back cruise to Delta Yacht Club and Tinsley Island. If you have not done this one before, sign up and find out why it is so popular.

The Commodore's Picnic on Angel Island was a blast. The turnout was excellent, the food great (thanks Chef Ian), the games fun, and it appeared everyone had a very good time. I know I did, thanks to my wife Marlene, Dan Carrico, and Teresa Prescott, the team that planned and organized the event. Thanks also to Herb & Wilma Rodricks who helped with the planning and volunteered Sea Circus to transport all the supplies, food, and staff to the Island. The Club and Catering Co. staff put in extra duty and did a great job loading and unloading Sea Circus, setting up on the Island, and getting the tables and food ready for us.

Contrary to popular belief, we have had some turnover in the Harbor, which means everyone on the waiting list moves up. Newcomers are Dry Land in slip C-11, owned by David Johnson & Tinker, Larry & Karen Burnworth, Marbella in C-3, owned by Steve & Lisa Wear, and Mystic in D-5, owned by Duane & Sarah Yoslov. Richard & Patricia Collins are soon putting a new boat in C-6.

Your Club is experiencing a good year. We have had an increasing flow of new members, there has been good participation in all Club activities, and finances are sound and continue to improve. You make these things happen, so keep it up and have fun.

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