Well folks -- this is it. Friday, September
3rd was the last weekend in our Friday Night
Summer Series. And what a great series it's
been. The nights have been long and we were
finally able to get a few city front courses into
the mix. As we near the end of the season the process of planning for the next year begins. We sure hope that those of you who have participated in this year's racing have enjoyed the season as much as we did.
Believe it or not, it takes quite a bit to deliver a successful racing season. This season has been no exception. There are a number of folks in particular who helped to make things happen behind the scenes, and among them are: Michael Moradzadeh who has brought his two-years of Race Chair experience into the mix on more than one occasion, John Warren who not only assists in committee recruitment but oversees all that is racing and cruising at the club, Larry and Karen Burnworth who have dedicated their time to overseeing one race weekend a month since the season began, and Christina de Zafra who has spent considerable time seeking out trophies worthy of presentation. To each of these members, and to all committee volunteers -- Thank you!
Now as a racer, the behind the scene contributions are not so readily noticed. This is a good thing and means that we've all done our job and made it look 'easy'. But what you have noticed no doubt, is a brand new orange object bobbing in the water as you whiz past the weather side of the starting line. Yes -- you are on starboard tack and everyone must give-way to you! As you glide by the big object at a mighty 6 knots, you barely have enough time to make out the writing on its side -- "Good Luck!.. Sandi". Congratulations you have just blown past our new start/finish mark that was generously donated by Sandi and Joe McKuskie a few weeks ago. Sandi's well wishes are just the thing to keep you motivated as you scream around the bay leaving everyone in your wake. Be sure and thank Sandi and Joe if you see them when you pick up your trophy. Their gift to the Race Committee is no small contribution and it was definitely needed.
As the regular racing season closes, remember that you too can participate by jumping on the Race Committee at any time next year. It is a ton of fun and a great opportunity for you to connect with your fellow club members on a regular basis. If that's not possible… no problem! Just swing by one of the many Race Committee volunteers and buy them a well deserved drink. Now, onward to next year!!!
See you on the water.