Vice Commodore's Notes
by Dan Carrico
Good news for our CYC junior swabs! Thanks to the suggestions of several parents, your House Committee in conjunction with Chef Ian has implemented a new children's menu for lunch and dinner. All children's entrees are $3.50 and are available to children under 12 years.

Thanks to the efforts of Paula Hansson who helped with the research and Sandra Solomon who has done the leg work, our children's menu features creative and fun coloring and quiz activities. There is also a nautical coloring book with safety and other instructional activities as well. They are available as are crayons at the front of the dining room.

A tidbit. You may have noticed the two beautiful topiary bushes at the front pedestrian gate. These were another inspiration of Sandra. Don't they really add a touch of class to the entry? It is so easy to see why we are such a great club with so many involved, contributing members. Keep those great ideas coming!
Also a reminder that the club bar now carries Calistoga bottled still water in plastic personal size bottles for 75 cents.
News flash! New neckties are at the club store. They are 100% silk and come in regular, XL and children's clip on sizes. Come and get em'.
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