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February 2003

Commodore's Column
New Year's Eve Photos
The Corinthian Women
Shots From the Race Deck
Opening Day Weekend
Where the Burgee Flies
The Not So Perfect Storm
Cooks & Waiters
Event Calendar

Where the Burgee Flies

by Sally Huse

If you are looking for sunshine, warm weather, beautiful white sand beaches, go to the Caribbean in January. Six Corinthians sailed on the ROYAL CLIPPER out of Barbados. She is a 2 year old, five masted, 439 foot Sailing Passenger Vessel (SPV). This is a real sailing vessel; 42 sails were raised every day. There is an open bridge policy. If this sounds familiar, Sally and Hans Roeben did this same trip last year, one week in the Grenadines with Andrea and Doug Owen and one week in the Windward Islands. This year the itinerary was the same but Sally and Hans were joined by Emily and Ray Smeraldo and Susan and Wayne Gaynard. Don't take our word for it, ask them how they liked the trip.

Even though the ship's language is English, with an international crew of 101 (25 nationalities) and 168 passengers (11 nationalities), one can refresh their language skills and meet some very interesting people with sailing backgrounds.

Sailing a square rigger gives one a lot to learn. Sailing off the anchor, boxhauling, bracing the yards, may be sailing maneuvers one is not familiar with. Most of these beautiful islands offer very interesting excursions. Ask the Smeraldo's about their trip through the rain forest. Sally and Emily had a fun trip to Mustique.

We would like to encourage additional Corinthians to join us for our third annual trip next year. Three couples have expressed interest already. Join us--any group savings will be split amongst all of us. Watch for a notice on the bulletin board about a gathering to look at pictures, brochures, souvenirs and hear more details about this fabulous vacation experience.

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