Opera Night
by John Colver
Opera Night returned to Corinthian in early March after a hiatus of four years and by all accounts was a resounding success, performed before a sold out audience who also enjoyed a superb dinner presented by Chef Ian Morrison. First designed and directed by Rosalind Colver in 1995, four of the original performers were back on stage this year Rosalind, Else-Liv Skaar, John Lord and guest performer Bill Watson. They were joined by Esther Carrico, and Janet Garvin who originally appeared in the 1997 production; Jan Farnsworth who joined the ensemble in 1998; and Mary Foley making her first appearance this year. Robbie Cook showcased his acting skills as a live, if silent, prop.

Songs, arias and duets included selections from Mozart, Puccini, Andrew Lloyd Webber and George Gershwin, ranging from drama to comedy and all performed to the highest standards. The curtain rang down on a stirring and clever finale sung by the entire cast, who received a standing ovation.

Jackie Taylor did an outstanding job as M.C. and narrator; Fred Ewing was back again with a highly professional performance as the accompanist; Tom Maxwell once again directed the lighting; and Hans Anderson swapped his Deck Stewards uniform for that of Stage Manager. Special thanks go to Ingo (who also personally donated the wine) and Frances for their assistance; Else-Liv Skaar for the beautiful flower arrangements; John Colver who designed the poster and program; Marcia Peck for photography; Bruce Powell for shooting the video (contact him for a copy); and of course Rosalind Colver the Musical Director.

The opera quiz was won by Jeanne Walker with eighteen correct answers out of twenty-six (entitling her to two tickets to Rossinis La Cenerentola by the SF Opera); Kate Lord won second prize; and Charles Flynn (represented by his wife Mik) won the tie breaker for third against Ed Bloomberg. They all received gift certificates to Tower Records. And finally we thank the following for contributing the very generous door prizes: Soren Axelsen (Cabernet Corporation); Klaus Meinberg (The Candy Store on Main street); and Angelo Servino (Servino Ristorante).

And so ended yet another wonderful performance of Opera Night. We are the only yacht club in the Bay Area with a ball room and a real stage (albeit a bit short in the acoustical department!) and what better use of it, than to have our own members perform events such as this and the recently acclaimed Corinthian cabaret.