Club Events
By Edward P. Fischer
St. Patricks Day
Instead of having dinner upstairs this year, St. Patricks Day was held in the dining room. In addition to Chef Ians wonderful Corned Beef & Cabbage Buffet, members had a choice of some of his other delicious entrées.
Upcoming Events
Watch for flyers!! Make reservations early - 435.4771
- Mothers Day May 14, 2000 - Brunch. Treat that special person with a great meal at your Club.
- Memorial Day Monday, May 29 Club will not be opened.
- Fathers Day Brunch June 18, 2000
Cabaret Night
Opera Night will be replaced with a Cabaret Night this year with a tentative date of November 5, 2000. Anyone interested in performing and/or organizing should contact Robbie Cook at 415.457.7683.
The Entertainment Committee is in the process of trying to reach as many members as possible utilizing e-mail.
If your address has changed from that reported in the 2000 Membership Roster please contact me at
Womens Auxiliary Bridge
Bring your foursome to play Bridge on the first Wednesday of the month from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Brown bag lunch. Coffee or tea served by CYC. Call Mimi Berticevich at 415-435-0088, with your reservation. Cards and score sheets supplied by the Womens CYC Group.

Wednesday 3 |
Auxiliary Bridge |
11:20 A.M. |
Friday 5 |
Friday Night Races |
Saturday 6 |
TCW Sailing Seminar I |
8:30 4:00 |
Sunday 7 |
TCW Sailing Seminar |
8:30 4:00 |
Sunday 14 |
Mothers Day Brunch (Members Dining) |
11:30 2:30 |
Friday 19 |
Friday Night Races |
Saturday 20 |
TCW Sailing Seminar II |
8:30 4:30 |
Sunday 21 |
TCW Sailing Seminar II |
8:30 4:30 |
Thursday 25 |
Board of Directors Meeting |
6:30 P.M. |
Friday 26 |
Friday Night Races |
Saturday 27 |
Cruise to South Beach |
Saturday 28 |
Cruise to Spinnaker YC |
Monday 29 |
Memorial DayThe Clubhouse will be closed |

Friday 2 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 P.M. |
Wednesday 7 |
Auxiliary Bridge |
11:20 A.M. |
Friday 9 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 P.M. |
Saturday 10 |
Single Handed Sailing Society Regatta |
Sunday 11 |
Quiet Night |
Friday 16 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 P.M. |
Sunday 18 |
Fathers Day BBQ |
Saturday 24 |
CYC Cruise to Encinal Yacht Club |
Saturday 24 |
ODCA Race |
Saturday 24 |
Harbor preparations for Boat Show |
Sunday 25 |
Master Mariners Classic Wooden Boat Show |
10:00 A.M. |