by Marcia Peck
The Corinthian Yacht Clubs Salmon Derby may have been rigged. The head of the derby, Dave Gilbert, who sponsored all the prize money, won first place while Herb Rodricks and many other famous anglers got skunked! Evidently the salmon decided to go on vacation for the weekend and the pickings were slim.
Jacky Douglas, our Commodores mom, took twelve members out on her fishing boat, the Wacky Jacky. She took a left turn at the Golden Gate, while everyone else on private boats, went north. They brought in six fish for the day. Frank Dunn caught two fish for the limit prize and Ed Fisher (her son-in-law) suspiciously reeled in the largest fish, weighing in at all of eight pounds, ice and bag included.
Marcia Peck and Mike Long fished at the Net Depot early in the day and got a nice fifteen-plus pounder, while Vic Shipey and the guys on Palpam got a twenty pounder. Dave Gilbert and crew went to Double Point and bagged the Big Kahuna, weighing in at thirty pounds! Wally Quinn and John Nooteboom got one each and Viveca and Jan Farnsworth got a box full of lingcod. Everyone else had a nice day looking at the scenery.
Thanks to Herb and Wally, who caught eight salmon on Wednesday. Chef Ian prepared a fabulous dinner for all the entrants. Herb was overheard saying that hed rather they had all eaten cake at the dinner and everyone had caught salmon instead.

Now folks, this here's the possum fish. The biting reflex
will apparently completely subside and then...

Mine!! ALL MINE!!

