Commodore's Column
By John Bogue
I want to begin my first TELLTALE column as commodore with a salute to our new staff commodore, Diana Fischer. She did a spectacular job and I will be hard pressed to live up to the standard she set as commodore. The annual meeting was well attended and quite lively without being raucous or acrimonious. Officers' annual reports were presented and accepted. Additional agenda items were discussed and the Nominating Committee's 2001 recommended slate of officers and board members was elected.
- New Officers and Board Members
- Commodore - John Bogue
- Vice Commodore - Dan Carrico
- Rear Commodore - Ron Roberts
- Port Captain - Andre Klein
- Treasurer - Claude Bishop
- Secretary - John Dodge
- Director - Eric Artman
- Director - Andrea Salter Owen
- Director - Clifford Donoho
- Director - Richard Solomon
- Director - Fred Conta
- Director - John Warren
Two by-law amendments were proposed. The first dealt with increases in the initiation fees which passed. The second was to place restrictions on the forgiveness of debts without specific board approval. It did not pass. The third issue was an assessment on each regular member, to be used for club reconstruction, which passed.
The board met for their first regular meeting on November 17. At this organizational meeting committees were set up and chairs of standing committees were approved.
- 2001 Committee Chairs
- Entertainment - Mary Anne Bogue
- House - Dan Carrico
- Finance - Cliff Donoho
- Opening Day - Diana Fischer
- Cruise - Fred Conta
- Harbor - Matthew Gorton
- Membership - Anita Dillon
The Corinthian Women's very generous gift of funds to upgrade the club's access system was accepted and the machinery put in motion to acquire and install the necessary components.
"Cabaret-By-The Bay" was an unqualified success. A run of two nights playing to a packed house is about as good as it gets. Kudos to the producer, director, assistant director, cast, grips and gaffers. The Poseidon award is a very prestigious award presented by the Northern Boating community and is granted for dedicated service to the community. It gives me great pleasure to report that this year's recipient was our own Charlie White who earned the award for many years of service heading up Opening Day on the Bay. Charlie received the perpetual trophy at the November 6 annual awards ceremony of the PICYA at the Encinal Yacht Club. Congratulations, Charlie.
Please be reminded that the first Midwinter's race and party will be held on the third weekend in January. Look for more details and entry forms with your next billing.
Mary Anne and I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you the happiest of holidays.
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