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October 2002

Commodore's Column
Commodore's Ball Photos
Commodore's Picnic Photos
The Corinthian Women
Vice Commodore's Column
Tinsley Island Cruise
Voyaging in Denmark
Shots From The Race Deck
Who Are Those Guys?
New Member's Reception
A Taste of Broadway
Opera Night
Repairs Across the Pacific
Event Calendar

A Taste of Broadway with a Pinch of Salt

by Bruce Powell

Be sure make reservations for the upcoming "A Taste of Broadway With a Pinch of Salt" event coming to the CYC Grand Ballroom on November 2. With the dedicated leadership of Jackie Taylor, and a talented cast of CYC members, this event is not to be missed. Jackie has assembled 30-some performances into a grand show drawing from the greatest numbers of Broadway, from "South Pacific" to "Oklahoma!"

Did you miss the last show? Two years ago, the Club presented some wonderful performances in "Cabaret Night". You can see video of that event online at (and then click on the Cabaret Night selection). Those performances are a real treat, and if you missed that show, you can still enjoy the highlights online. This year's show is by leaps and bounds bigger and better!

You might wonder what it takes to pull off such an extravagant production. The cast of thousands (well...dozens, actually), have been rehearsing for several months. Twice a week, cast members refine their performances in three-plus-hour rehearsals into the late evening. The dedication of everyone involved is quite amazing.

Be sure to make your reservations early for this exceptional event.

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