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October 2002

Commodore's Column
Commodore's Ball Photos
Commodore's Picnic Photos
The Corinthian Women
Vice Commodore's Column
Tinsley Island Cruise
Voyaging in Denmark
Shots From The Race Deck
Who Are Those Guys?
New Member's Reception
A Taste of Broadway
Opera Night
Repairs Across the Pacific
Event Calendar

New Member’s Reception

By Doug Owen

The New Member’s Reception and Dock Party was held in beautiful fall weather on Saturday October 19th, with approximately twenty new members in attendance. As for the Dock Party portion, the vessels Liberty, Always Home, Sabertooth, FathomThis and Ladyhawke hosted the new members with “open boat” hospitality, as they made their way along “A” Dock, socializing with the membership as well as each other.

Corinthian Catering provided the hors d’oeuvres and wine, and a good time was had by all. This annual event provides a wonderful opportunity for those that have joined CYC recently to meet and get to know long time members and the Flag.

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New Members Reception