On The Water
By Dan Carrico
Racing Activities
The First Annual CYC/TYC Friendship Regatta was held June 27th and was attended by over 100 members of the Corinthian and Tiburon Yacht Clubs. Breezes were favorable and warm. The CYC race committee sent racers on a lap of the central bay and tides were definitely a factor. 29 boats entered; 17 from TYC and 12 from CYC. Race committee volunteers were Commodore Diana Fischer, Andrea Salter-Owen, and Vice-Commodore John Bogue. Hans Roeben really came through by building a beautiful teak base for the perpetual trophy that is a beautiful 25 high acrylic sailboat. Thanks to all who helped.

Bill Canadas band Nighttrain gave a great performance and shore side festivities were furious. Everyone appeared to be having a great time and the Corinthian Catering Company really deserves special recognition and thanks for the fine BBQ dinner. When asked, CCI always bends over backwards to excel for CYC membersafter all were family! The Friendship regatta got a great inauguration and I think it will catch on. Next year TYC hosts.

TYC took the first three places in Spinnaker and CYC took the first three places in Non-Spinnaker. The CYC victors were: John Noteboom First, Jan Borjeson Second and Julle LeVicki Third.

Alas, at the end of the day TYC took home the beautiful perpetual. Their performance was more consistent. With an adjustment for fleet size in the scoring, TYC had an average per boat score of 9.1323 and CYC had 8.3541. Put another way, another eighth place win for CYC would have done it. TYC, wait until next year!

This past weekend of June 24th was perhaps the busiest weekend on the water in recent memory. We had the Master Mariners Annual Wooden Boat Show, a hosting of the Single Handed Sailing Societies race to Hawaii coordinated by Shama Kota, a cruise to Encinal Yacht Club and CYCs Race Committee running its first YRA race of the season. All activities were great successes.
Each year it seems that the MMBA Wooden Boat show just gets better. This year over 50 classic wooden yachts graced the CYC harbor. Any member used to seeing the harbor would have blinked and thought they had traveled back in time 100 years! CYC member Craig Swayne, President of that association, does a great job planning the event and moving CYC members boats. Craig and the entire CYC Flag sincerely thank all Corinthian members who moved their boats. Craig was ably assisted in this herculean effort by Randall Von Wedel, Matthew and Abigail Gorton and our great team of employees, notably Ingo, Hans and Mark. For all of you who had any part in this weekends events, hats off to you for a service to your club!
Cruising Activities
Mays cruise to South Beach Yacht Club was fabulous, great weather for the usual reach there and back. Bjorn and Agneta Ervell were cruise leaders and did a really great job. 17 boats made the trip. Being Memorial Day weekend Hans and Sally Roeben also organized a cruise part 2 for Sunday evening to San Leandro Yacht Club, 8 boats attended and reports were two thumbs up - way up.
On the 24th 20 CYC boats cruised to the always popular Encinal Yacht Club.Trip and Jill Ames were our cruise leaders. They hosted a great dock party where blended strawberry refreshments and great appetizers were consumed by CYC members in 50s poodle skirts and greaser costumes. Later, we all danced to 50s hits like Chubby Checkers Lets Twist Again. It should be noted that Sondra Blake and your R.C. came in second to an EYC couple in the Twist Contest. Not bad considering Sondra wasnt even around back then and had to learn the moves for the first time! Thanks Trip and Jill for a great cruise.
On July 22nd were off to Half Moon Bay led by Capt. Ron and Torild Roberts. This adventurous cruise was a big hit last year with 17 boats voyaging. Ron and Torild are again planning a wine tasting contest. A sign-up sheet is posted at the club. Ron will mail a flyer in your July statements. |