The most amazing thing, over seventy-five percent of the Corinthians who voted, supported the recent motion for an assessment and increase in initiation fees; and the motion did not pass. With the encouragement of your many telephone calls and e-mails sugesting we should keep trying given the support of the vote, the Board will continue to tackle the job at hand.
Summer is here and it seems we were just planning the New Years Eve Millennium party. The Corinthian calendar is full of many wonderful summer events. Speaking of fun there are races, cruises,a Fourth of July party, and even a fishing tournament coming up.
This year the Membership Committee and the Entertainment Committee will host a combined welcome party for our new members. There will be a Caribbean Party featuring the music of Jimmy Buffet following the new member reception on Saturday, July 15. All members are encouraged to come and join the fun. Speaking of new members, thanks to Marie Jorajuria for capturing the moment by taking keepsake pictures of the families enjoying this years Fathers Day Brunch.
With summer always comes the Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show here at the Corinthian. Of course this wonderful event will have taken place just before you read this, but the planning really should be acknowledged. Craig Swayne and Randall Von Wedel with the cooperation of all berth owners who move their boats, make huge contributions to the success of this wonderful display of maritime history.
Speaking of history, the co-editor of the TellTale, Harry Blake who also happens to be the Commodore of the Tiburon Yacht Club, and our very own Rear Commodore Dan Carrico made some. They created and executed the first annual CYC-TYC Friendship Regatta. Though both parties insisted this was to be a friendly race, they raised the stakes when they put the beautiful trophies on display. Great sailing weather with about thirty boats entered, great music and food, and the wonderful spirit of competition, are all a tribute to the success of a new idea.
Enjoy your summer.