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May 2001

Commodore's Column
Race News
Opening Day
Corinthian Women
Club History Revisited
Damn The Historians
Cruising News
New Members Reception
Vice Commodore's Column
Who Are Those Guys?
Eight Bells
Event Calendar

New Members Reception

by Doug Owen

All new members from July of 2000 through March of 2001 were invited to a reception held on the Club deck on Saturday afternoon, April 14th. Since we initially ran out of wine after about 45 minutes, it would be fair to say that a lot of them showed up!

In addition to new members and the Membership Committee, Flag Officers and the Board of Directors were also invited, to meet, socialize and answer questions for those present. Membership Chair Anita Dillon came up with “Ask me” name tags for the hosts and hostesses, which prompted those attending to learn more about various aspects of the Club, and becoming involved.

The food was delicious, wine reinforcements arrived promptly, and the weather was picture-perfect. About 40 new members attended, and those that could not make this event will be included in another reception planned in about six months.

(Click on a thumbnail image to view the full size image)

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Photos courtesy of Ed & Diana Fischer.

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