The Corinthian Women
by Nancy Giachino
The Corinthian Women (TCW) met on May 9 in the club library. As mentioned in last months TELLTALE, TCW have been busy working on a number of very successful projects. Opening Day sales from our store exceeded expectations. This is great news, since The Corinthian Women utilize their income to purchase special gifts for the club. This year a new automobile gate at the entrance to the parking lot has been purchased. Prior to installation, all members will be notified and sent new card keys. TCW has also ordered a new storage cabinet for the club store. It will allow us to store additional merchandise, further improving the stores inventory. Both of these gifts serve as reminders that your patronage of our store directly benefits your yacht club!
The Mermaid -- last year's TCW gift at work
The second installment of this years Women's Sailing Seminar was held on May 19 and 20th. Once again, these classes were an outstanding and unique learning experience for women sailors. This event would not have been possible, without special contributions from Marie Jorajuria, Kay Rudiger and all the men and women who helped organize the event. Special thanks goes out to boat captains, who volunteered their time and boats to provide on-the-water instruction.
Sandra Soloman and Sonja Conta will be in charge of CPR classes at the club. Scheduled classes are as follows:
Thursday, July 26 -- 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 28 -- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Thurday, September 20 -- 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 22 -- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Thursday, October 25 -- 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 27 -- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
All participants should bring a beach towel (to kneel on) or an exercise mat. There will be a nominal fee. Contact Sonja at (415) 435-9513 or Sandra at (415) 435-8836 to sign up for classes. With Bay conditions and hypothermia always an issue, all club members can benefit from these CPR classes. Future classes will be scheduled as requested.
Karen Gilbert is our TCW representative at the CYC Board of Directors meetings each month. Following the last meeting, Karen reminded us of the importance of using club charge accounts. Since our club maintains a nonprofit tax status, we must be careful not to conduct too many cash transactions. If too much cash is collected, our nonprofit tax status is jeopardized. Some club members would prefer to pay cash for their purchases, but because of our tax status, all club members are encouraged to use their charge accounts.
Do you have an absolutely favorite, fantastic recipe you would like to share for The Corinthian Women cookbook? Please contact Sharon Barr at This promises to be a wonderful cookbook, so be sure to get your contribution in early!!
Do you remember all the beautifully decorated parties you have attended in the past at the CYC? The Corinthian Women are working diligently to organize the decorations storage area in Pneumonia Alley. Each decoration is labeled and organized for future club use. It is quite a job, and special thanks go to all those helping with this project.
A few reminders: lunch is served in the dining room on Fridays, and every last Friday of the month, The Corinthian Women will have an open table between noon and 2 PM. All women are invited to join us. Corinthian women are also invited to attend monthly meetings, held in the library on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. It is a wonderful way to meet other club members and get involved in club activities.
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