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May 2002

Commodore's Column
Vice Commodore's Column
Opening Day Weekend
Race News
Who Are Those Guys?
The Corinthian Women
Mexico Cruise
Summer Sailstice
Port Captain's Report
TYC Friendship Race
End Notes
Event Calendar

The Corinthian Women

by Alix Fagerstén

This year’s Easter Brunch was another huge success! Complete with face painting, arts and crafts, an Easter egg hunt, and a visit from the Easter Bunny, kids and adults alike enjoyed the fun, games, and tasty brunch. Our thanks go out to Jane Elkins for organizing this wonderful event and Barbara and André Klein for supplying film and taking photos of the children with the Easter Bunny. Thank you to Janet Nooteboom, Teresa Prescott, Susan Olson-Ortner, and Paula Hansson who all helped decorate and make this event another winner. And, if I may, a little thank you to myself, Alix (a.k.a. the Eater Bunny). If you missed the fun this year, there’s always next year.

Calling all junior sailors! The Corinthian Women are offering a Junior Sailing Scholarship. All CYC members or immediate family of CYC members under the age of eighteen are eligible. Simply write a letter to the Board of Corinthian Women, prior to May 15th, explaining how you would use the scholarship to further your sailing endeavors and skills. The recipient will be selected by the Board of Corinthian Women on June 15th based on the letters received. Good luck!

It’s time again for the annual Women’s Sailing Seminar. Leave the boys at home and come join the ladies of CYC as we learn and hone our sailing skills over two action packed weekends. The first session covers basic sailing fundamentals and the second session is focused on spinnakers, racing skills and strategy. Both weekends are a must for women sailors at any level of experience, from novice to advanced. Session I is May 4th and 5th and Session II is May 18th and May 19th. For more information, contact Marie Jorajuria at or call the office at 435-4771.

The Corinthian Women have yet another great event planned in June. Join us at the club for a luncheon and fashion show sponsored by Nordstorm on Friday, June, 7th at 11:30am. Everybody is invited to this not-to-be-missed Corinthian Women event. See you on the catwalk.

Just a reminder…The Corinthian Women meet the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings are most often held in the club library and all Corinthian women are encouraged and invited to attend. TCW is a great organization and a wonderful way to meet new friends, have a lot of fun, and get involved in the club!

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