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January 2004

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The "Indian Summer" Marin Yacht Club Cruise

By Dan Carrico,
Cruise Fleet Captain

When I was thinking back on 2003's cruises and how well entertained we all seemed to be and how popular our cruises were, a post-season bonus cruise seemed like a good idea. Partly to keep the good Corinthian spirit that was engendered throughout the cruise season going and also as thanks to all cruisers for making our cruise leaders' jobs so much fun and their hard work appreciated.

We couldn't have picked a better yacht club to visit than Marin Yacht Club in San Rafael. From the start, they were solicitous and enthusiastic about our coming. Couldn't do enough for us. Their club brochure claims to be "The Friendliest Harbor on the Bay" and they certainly were to us. The Marin Yacht Club General Manager, Gabrielle Singley and Harbormaster, Wyn Hughes were particularly helpful.

So to the tale: Thirteen Corinthian boats successfully made the passage and none were lost or grounded. "Forty-One hardy Corinthians young and old made their voyage into what they thought would be cold, the season already done, only to find Indian Summer and have great Summer fun".

While at their impressive club facilities we played volleyball, tennis, spritzed in the spa and swam. Some read books and relaxed. Some stayed an extra day. The kids had a blast and so did the adults! Fact is it was hard to tell them apart! Special thanks to Clay and Teresa Prescott for having us all aboard Shangri-La for the social hour. All had a fantastic time.

For next season, (a hint) they are putting in a regulation bocce ball court for visitors to enjoy. Yes, we will be going back, but instead of as a "bonus" cruise at the end of the season as a "prime time" cruise. This was too good to be anything other!

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