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January 2004

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Indian Summer Cruise
CYC Speaker Series
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Marin YC Cruise
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CYC Speaker Series

By Mark Leonard

The Corinthian Yacht Club enjoyed a re-invigoration of the Speaker Series this year, as we hosted 5 events featuring some of the top sailors in world.

  • On June 8, Dawn Riley spoke candidly about the most recent America's Cup, and gave us vivid pictures of sailing around Cape Horn during the Whitbread; July 10 brought single-hander Bruce Schwab to the club to discuss his recent Around Alone circumnavigation;
  • on August 14, Latitude 38's founder Richard Spindler made us laugh and wish we were going on the 10th Baja HaHa;
  • on September 18, Mark Rudiger talked about his Whitbread and other ocean navigation experiences (and thanked the CYC for providing him the start of his racing in our Junior Sailing program);
  • and finally, the great Paul Cayard spoke to us on October 8 about his quest to represent the USA in next year's summer Olympics. Overall, we had a total of about 300 unique attendees, 2/3 of whom were non-members, and since many of the attendees went to multiple events, we had about 650 total visitors.

Because the $10 fee for each admission went to a charity of the speaker's choice, we raised over $6,000 for many worthy non-profit organizations. 2004's series promises to provide the Bay Area sailing community with the opportunity to rub shoulders with more of the world's top sailors!

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