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August 2000

Commodore's Column
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Club Manager's Report
Vice Commodore's Notes
The Corinthian Women
The Restoration of Suzie Q
Panoramic Photo
Editor's Notes
Club Events & Calendar

The Restoration of the Sid skiff, Suzie Q

by Nicolas Dugdale
(son of Richard and Frances Dugdale)

The Sid Skiffs are some of the best skiffs ever built. I should know because I have just finished restoring one.

Suzie Q., a 14-ft. Sid Skiff was built by Ray Speck, and is one of around 16 Sid Skiffs built in Sausalito. Ray Speck now is a teacher at a wooden boat building school in Port Townsend, Wash. Craig Swayne of BlackWitch is the current owner of Suzie.

If anyone was at the Master Mariners Boat show they might have heard that a boat was being re christened at 18:30, that was Suzie. They might also have seen 3 remarkable boats. They were designed by an East Coast powerboat designer, Ralph Winslow. Their names are BlackWitch (1949), John T (1960), and Dutch (1933). John T and Dutch are ketches; BlackWitch is a sloop. Amazingly both Dutch and BlackWitch are CYC Members.

The Launching of Suzie Q



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