by Ingo Schreiber
Last Year, when I came to Tiburon for the first time as one of the candidates for the interviews the weather was gorgeous for the entire July weekend we spent here. Everyone I spoke with that time commented on the apparently dismal summer the Bay Area had experienced up until then. Leslie who had gone to Hayward University also remarked on the unreliable summers in the Bay Area. I must however say that I am glad I came, as for me it can't get much better; variety is indeed the spice of life. The short spell of 100-degree temperatures could not diminish this impression.
But what's new? Have you looked at the recently added features our Website has to offer? Bruce Powell has re-awakened this sleeping beauty, so much so, that Frances Ramage, our great asset in the office, has to often answer some three to four e-mail inquiries most mornings. Surprisingly enough they come from all over the States and a few from the rest of the world and frequently deal with requests for possible crewing during Friday night races. This only points to the fact that people actually do appear to diligently surf all the links and pages our website has to offer. What an asset. Does anyone have any comments?
Your House Committee, chaired by Vice Commodore John Bogue and Port captain Andre Klein has arranged for some added striping and provided a second Handicapped space to the parking lot. The three spots now reserved for Compact cars near the gate arm have greatly improved the ability of delivery trucks and other large vehicle to negotiate this precious facility. In addition it was noted that the gate mechanism now fails much less frequently since there is less magnetic interference from large SUVs. Also, since we still repeatedly encounter cars without valid or unattached Club decals, the House committee has authorized the signing of a towing contract.
The Master Mariners wooden boat show was a great display and was only made possible through the generous donation of slip space by a majority of members who rent berths in the harbor. Staff and volunteers under the capable leadership of Craig Swayne and Randall von Wedel moved boats to and from SFYC, the moorings, and on other lines to create a nearly uninterrupted succession of side-on-side displays for these magnificent examples of maritime heritage. Watching the docking of ALMA was a treat, as it demonstrated able-bodied seamanship, which I am certain must have been a lot easier this year with the Breakwater being completed.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary set up shop for inspections, but this annual free service near the end of June was only used by a scant few. The newly introduced and at this stage still experimental Friday Lunches are growing in popularity but need to be used a bit more to remain viable. Chef Ian has added several choices to the bill of fare. To date I have had no offers for the temporary Liquor storage shed on the deck; anybody ready for a good deal?
Talking of deals, the Caribbean BBQ, aka Jimmy Buffet event, organized with such enthusiasm and gritty flair by Ed Fischer and Nancy Giachino (who found the entertainer), was very well attended and received. In fact so much so, that the organizer's spouse did not receive any food, as more than 25 attendees had not made reservations. Please call to make reservations, preferably during the hours our Club office is manned, as voice mail messages are frequently not getting to the intended target. Two great events are coming your way: Clam-Bake and the Salmon Derby and only 8 more Friday night races are in store for us.
See you at the Club.