Herb Rodricks would kill me if we didnt publish a reminder about the Salmon Derby coming up Sunday, August 20 at 0600 Hours. Please consult last months TELLTALE for all the lowdown. If youve tossed the paper version that comes to you via snail mail (at considerable cost to the club), you may know by now that you can access a flashy, full-color version on our website (http://www.cychistory.org/). Anyway, by publishing these two fish photos, Im not suggesting that these two will be the top seeds of the derby. Just happened to have the photos in the file.

The fact that the Corinthian website looks so good and is up-to-date is because TELLTALE co-editor, Bruce Powell is on the case.
Speaking of Bruce, and speaking of the last issue of the TELLTALE, in my view, that was the best issue since I started publishing this rag, and I had nothing to do with it. Our co-editor, Bruce Powell, sitting at his Macintosh all by himself, deftly manipulating a screwy-sounding software program called Quark, uncorked that issue. Thats Bruces mug on the right (Marcia Peck took this photo at the new members party).
He tells me that he likes to keep a low profile, but Im publishing this photo anyway so that youll recognize him and thereby be able to thank him for all his hard work next time you run into him.
The Encinal YC Cruise
Here are a few photos cruise leaders Jill and/or Trip Ames took of the cruise to Encinal YC at the end of June.

CYC (and TYC) got some good press
...when BOAT/U.S. magazine put the Corinthian YC flagship, Helgoland, on the cover of their latest issue.
Heres how BOAT/U.S. described this cover:
ON THE COVER: Festooned for the July 4th holiday last year, Helgoland, a Baba 35 owned by BOAT/U.S. members Sally Huse and Hans Roeben of Tiburon, CA, welcomes tall ships passing through San Franciscos Golden Gate. In the background is the Japanese training ship Kaiwa Maru. Photo by Harry Blake, commodore, Tiburon Yacht Club.
The September deadline for TELLTALE copy is August 15, so if you want to get something published here, please get it to Bruce Powell (we alternate months) by the 15th. In order to keep doing this job, we both pretty much have to get your submissions via email. Bruces is: bruce@brucepowell.com. Since he uses a Mac, he prefers that you just include your stuff in the body of your email. If you do need to attach a text file and youre using a PC instead of a Mac, save it as an RTF (Rich Text Format) file, otherwise his Mac wont be able to read it.
Unless otherwise noted, all photos in this issue are courtesy of Marcia Peck. Thanks again, Marcia!