That's Entertainment
By Ed Fischer
Well, summer is in full swing and Corinthian members seem to be enjoying it. This was evidenced by the more than 200 members and friends who attended the 4th of July celebration at the Club. The attendees were treated to great weather to view the fireworks as far away as Pac Bell Park and even a bit from Sausalito. The main event came from the San Francisco waterfront and without the fog it made for a great show. All in all, it was another great day in paradise. As always your Entertainment Committee puts the parties together, but a special thanks goes to Sandra Solomon, for rescuing the flowers and creating the Firecracker Bouquets.
Speaking of another great day in paradise, on July 15th the members deck of the Corinthian experienced a bit of the beach. It was transformed into a Caribbean Island, complete with sun, sand, and a guitar player, accompanied by the Cor(al)inthian Reef Singers... okay, it was Sally, Mike, Marcia, & myself, strumming tunes of Jimmy Buffet.
The deck was decorated with palm trees, colorful umbrellas, pool toys and pineapples. Prior to this party a new members party was held and they were given a taste of the Corinthian spirit. Thanks to Nancy Giachino, Esther Lerner-Carrico and Sophie Johnson for their efforts in bringing the beach to the Club.
Clam Bake
August 5
Hope everyone has made reservations for this feast organized by Bev Dunn, as it is always a sold out event. The menu features lobster, but only if you order it in advance. Your cooks will be your fellow members. If there is only one event you can attend this summers make it this one. A great time will be had. More info
First Annual Salmon Derby
August 20
By Herb Rodricks
Mark your calendars for this fun-filled fantastic day. Tiburon Land Company is sponsoring a fishing derby and all CYC members and guests are invited. For those without their own boats, we are having the party boat, Wacky Jackie, pick us up at our clubhouse. We plan a weigh-in (for fish only), a cocktail party, and a salmon dinner in the member's dining room, to complete the day. More information Entry Form Event Rules
Vallejo Jazz Cruise
August 26-27
Join our friends from the Tiburon YC as we cruise to Vallejo for a special weekend highlighted by the Vallejo Jazz Festival. More
Commodore's Picnic
September 4
Although most of the country marks the end of the warm season on Labor Day, the Bay Area heads into one of the best seasons of the year. You can actually go sailing without a reef in the main and foul weather gear. Start this great season out by attending the Commodores Picnic at the Club. There will be a senior and junior rowing contest, as well as JUNK PLUS BINGO (dont ask youll find out if you pay the buck for four cards). This year children under five will have their own fishing derby. Look for the flyer!
Commodore's Ball
September 23
The theme for this years Commodores Ball is The Corinthian Yacht Club Through the Ages. Be bold and come dressed in the finest attire of your favorite period of the rich and colorful history of our Club. Not so bold, black tie or Club blazer. Mark the date and watch for the flyer in the September billing.
Deadline for Submission to the Telltale: Aug 15th
Please plan to have your submissions and/or photos ready by Aug 15th. The next issue of the Telltale will be produced by Bruce Powell:

Wednesday 2 |
Auxiliary Bridge |
11:20 a.m. |
Friday 4 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 p.m. |
Saturday 5 |
Clambake |
5:00 p.m. |
Wednesday 9 |
(TCW meeting cancelled) |
6:45 p.m. |
Friday 11 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 p.m. |
Saturday 12 |
Passport Regatta |
Friday 18 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 p.m. |
Thursday 24 |
CYC Director's Meeting |
6:30 p.m. |
Sunday 20 |
First Annual Salmon Derby |
Thursday 24 |
CYC Board of Directors Meeting |
6:30 p.m. |
Friday 25 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 p.m. |
Saturday 26 |
Cruise to Vallejo |
Sunday 27 |
Members Dining Quiet Night |
Friday 1 |
Friday Night Races |
6:30 p.m. |
Wednesday 6 |
Auxiliary Bridge |
11:20 a.m. |
Monday 4 |
Labor Day Commodore's Picnic |
Friday 8 |
Last of Friday Night Races |
Saturday 9 |
Coyote Pt. YC Cruise |
Wednesday 13 |
YCW Board Meeting |
6:45 p.m. |
Thursday 21 |
CYC Board of Directors' Meeting |
6:30 p.m. |
Saturday 23 |
Commodore's Ball |
6:30 p.m. |
Sunday 24 |
Women Skippers Regatta |
Sunday 24 |
Members Dining Quiet Night |