Commodores Column
By Diana Fischer
Just about the time the TELLTALE reaches your door the Tally Committee will have met, the votes recorded, and well all know if our recent resolution for an exchange of property has passed. Thanks to all of you who have taken the time again to study the issue, ask questions if needed, and send in your ballot. Active citizenship as a member of the Corinthian Yacht Club is essential to success at all levels of this wonderful place.
Speaking of good citizenship, several members have asked to be updated on the goings on at the Board. The Board Meetings are held either the third or fourth Thursdays of each month and the dates are announced in each edition of the TELLTALE.
At each Board Meeting the Club budget and finances in general are reviewed, sailing and social events and harbor and facility requirements are discussed and prioritized, and membership proposals are made. Administrative issues are discussed, The Corinthian Women update us on their activities, and a myriad of issues and details required for the successful running of our Club are examined.
Recent actions of the Board include the appointment of the Nominating Committee, whos duties are to nominate members to the offices and director seats that are to be filled at the annual election. This years Chairman is Charlie White, and the four members include Staff Commodore Mark Thompson, Staff Commodore Bill Canada, Karen Gilbert, and John Dodge, with John Nooteboom and Bill Gianchino serving as alternates if needed.

Ongoing discussions continue regarding the financing of reconstruction projects, including the elevator, the ramp up to the Clubhouse, and work to be done in the kitchen and upstairs and downstairs bar areas mandated by the Health Department.
Believe it or not, many of these discussions are in preparation for decisions to be made by you at our next annual meeting (on Friday, November 10th, 2000). This is a date to surely put on your calendar.
This year the Past Commodores Luncheon was attended by ten Staff Commodores, their wives, and the current Board of Directors. Tom Maxwell, Dick and Jean Slottow, Jim Gibbs and Martha Vujovich, Jack and Bert Cooper, Mark and Patty Thompson, Bill and Peggy Bremer, George and Mimi Berticevich, Bill and Wendy Patry, Jeff and Denise McQueen, and Charlie and Ginny White actually represent over 270 total years of membership and service to this Club. That is truly remarkable. Others who had hoped to attend were off in other parts of the world, but I dont think there is a lovelier spot than dining at our Club looking out over the Bay and enjoying each others company. The thing that strikes me the most about the Commodores and their wives who have served this club in the past, is that they continue serving as members of committees and advisors. They are quite an inspiration for your current Flag Officers and Directors as well as to the membership.
Your continued support of the events at the Club continues to impress me. The weekend of June 24th is an example of what we all can accomplish with dedication and organization. It began with members clearing the way for the beautiful display of wooden boats, which transformed our harbor to a bygone era with the arrival of the Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show.
As always we had our Friday night race, and on Saturday morning the Single-handed Sailing Society started their 12th Biennial Single-handed Transpacific Race that had over 23 boats starting from the Club. On that same morning the Corinthian Cruisers were off to Encinal, and the Race Committee served the YRA providing the Race Committee for an ODCA race off Knox.
Saturday night was the Wooden Boat Show kickoff party, and members dining was packed on Sunday. We had it all that weekend: racing, cruising, browsing among classic wooden yachts, dining and well yes, drinking. Wow, what a weekend! Our staff, the staff of the Catering Company, and the dozens of members who volunteered deserve a big hand of thanks.


Speaking of thanks, this years New Members Party was very special. Over thirty new members and their spouses came down to join in and have fun. The new members also had the opportunity to be updated on the progress of the hillside stabilization, the property resolution before the membership, and to discuss the financing necessary for the completion of the elevator project. The Flag Officers and Board of Directors as well as many members were there to meet and greet the new members and then to join a party that really got going to the sounds of the Caribbean. Joe Holko and Ed Fischer teamed up to produce this remarkable event. As usual, Marcia Peck was there to chronicle this event with her Canon camera; her photos can be found elsewhere in this issue.
Latest bulletin Mike Egan and the crew of Sabertooth finished the West Marine Pacific Cup from San Francisco to Hawaii. Ed Fischer who was there to track them down reports they are all doing well. Mike found out that his J105 is capable of doing 21 knots! Congratulations.
And theres more. Read through your TELLTALE and mark your calendars for upcoming racing, cruising, dancing, dining and much more. What a great place to be, the Corinthian Yacht Club.
