On the Water
by Dan Carrico
With my last opportunity as Rear Commodore writing this article, I must repress the impulse to just go on and on about the hard work, the spirit and the commitment of all who made this years races and cruises such successes. To a person, I believe everyone had fun, made new friends, learned a lot and did one great a job in the process! On behalf of the club and myself, thank you all for a great year.
Last month we did enjoy two very notable traditions at the Corinthian. First we had our Tinsley Island Cruise and then on the 17th, our Annual E. Ross Wood Regatta.
Bill Stucky as Cruise Leader played the perfect Pan to our annual parade to Tinsley. In record numbers we reveled, socialized and just had a great time. Bill has written a rousing account appearing elsewhere in this issue of the Telltale recounting all that went on and who did what, so I will be brief except to say thanks to Bill for doing such a great job. Also, we must thank Sally Huse and Hans Roeben for leading several members on a pre-Tinsley cruise to the Delta Yacht Club. Although our boat didnt make it, I understand that we were well enough behaved to be one of only six yacht clubs invited back next year. There we go again, spreading goodwill

Our E. Ross Wood Regatta, which has as its course an either-way figure-eight around Angel Island and Alcatraz, had 12 Corinthian boats racing. Our weather was ideal and all made it home. It really was in many ways an upset, at least in the handicapping of the day. As a group, those who followed John Nooteboom (usually a good idea) up Raccoon Strait first did not fare as well as those who went to windward of Angel Island. In the Non-Spinnaker Division from a fleet of 9 boats, Jan Borjeson and crew took a big first, way big! He was so fast that the race committee couldnt even reach for its gun. Jan beat the fleet by over 10 minutes corrected. Second went to the team of John and his son Gary Nooteboom and in a very impressive first showing,

Sandra Solomon piloted Liberty to a third. In the Spinnaker Division, First went to Richard Korman aboard Jimmy Riddle, Second went to Laurie Bolard with Marcia Peck as helmswoman aboard Truant and Third was won by Roger Longo. Good job everyone!

As a point of interest, this regatta was run on both our old race software and our new software, QuickScore. It performed beautifully, generating results consistent with our old program and with less effort.

Thank you all for letting me have this wonderful year. I know we all wish Ron the same kind of great experiences and an even better year next for the club. Lets all get behind him. I, for one, cant wait!