Who Are Those Guys
by Marcia Peck
Last month, we announced the recipients of The Corinthian Womens Junior Sailing Scholarships. Here are their letters:
Hillary Lowe, age 17
The wind first caught my sails when I was eight. My mother began a new voyage in my life when she bought her thirty-eight foot Swan, Truant. I began tacking through sailing courses. In addition to classes, my new knowledge was always put to use immediately on the Truant. For many years, however, I was convinced and terrified that our boat would capsize. This agonizing concern detracted from my enjoyment of sailboats for some time. However, my interest in the wind and water continued to grow with me. I crewed on numerous Friday nights and learned to cope with the fact that the wind always seemed to die right before the race and that if you ever make it across the line, and out from behind Belvedere, you will probably get sucked down Raccoon Strait at the end. Everyone seems to have a great time anyway. The community at Corinthian has come to symbolize what sailing is all about.
Earlier this year I applied for the youth sailing scholarship being offered by the Corinthian Women. I was thrilled at the chance to improve my sailing skills. I received a $250 scholarship towards the sailing course of my choice and I applied to a Performance 1 spinnaker at OCSC, in Berkeley. OCSC wanted to put me in a beginners course, but my mother somehow convinced them. I had some experience, and I was accepted into the spinnaker course on a J-24. This was an amazing experience! I worked with three adults and the instructor to perfect flying the chute. It went up and down, not to mention around and around, countless times. The instructor complimented me on my feel for the tiller and I learned to surf waves. By the end of the second day I had learned more about sailing than I have in the last five years, and Im just seventeen. I would not be the sailor I am today without the help and influence of the Corinthian Women and the Corinthian Yacht Club. Thank you.

Dylan Lowe, age 12
First of all I would like to thank you for the great thing you gave me. The $250 that I received really helped put me through the sailing classes I took. I got to take a whole months worth of sailing which I enjoyed very much. I had two weeks on FJs and two weeks on Lasers. In the FJ class I learned a lot about team work and getting along with the crew. I enjoyed it because I got to sail with someone else and it taught me a lot about boat handling and racing tactics.
In the Laser class, I experienced singlehanding, and learned to sail without a rudder, using ones weight and sails. In short, I loved these classes and I got an amazing amount of knowledge which I will have all my life. Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity.