Corinthian Cruise to Tinsley Island
by Bill Stucky
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The weather could not have been better at this years cruise to Tinsley Island. From the smiles I encountered during the weekend I would say everyone had a great time. Gus the manager at Tinsley Island had his hands full as over 90 boats docked up for the weekend event which combined the Corinthian YC, the Tiburon YC, the San Francisco YC and the Encinal YCs.
An additional 30 wood speed boats from the Tahoe YC arrived for Saturday lunch, the place was packed. Someone described the whole weekend as Woodstock for the older set. Well that may be overdoing it a bit but it was quite a party.
The docking frenzy commenced Friday afternoon right after Harry Blake was finished being pulled off of a sand bar and Rob and Leigh Guinn caught a tow behind Meditrina from the Delta YC. It could have been St. Tropez with all the end tied sail and power boats at the docks. And what about that cocktail hour hosted by the Tiburon YC on Friday night? I wasnt sure whether martinis were the theme or whether it was an out-take from a Thin Man Movie. Trip Ames and staff were busily pouring martinis but I think it could have been a tie as to how many were consumed behind the bar to those consumed by their guests.
The hip hop Dr. Eric presented his tunes to a wild dancing crowd, everyone was ready to let their hair down after that long cruise up the river. Chip from Sams caught wind of the Drs performance and has invited him for a jam session at Sams this very Friday night.
I awoke early on Saturday to a large group of yachtsmen wandering back from Encinals Bloody Mary gathering carrying what looked to be coffee cups, the celery stir stick was a nice touch. Herb Rodrick awoke to a line forming behind Sea Circus chanting Salmon, Wheres our smoked salmon?
fortunately Herb was only skunked fishing for one week during the salmon season and was able to pull off the delightful feast. I think we all look forward to Herb and Wilmas annual smoked salmon breakfast, good job.
Marshall from the San Francisco YC informed us that his all-star African Zulu volleyball team was held up due to seasickness in the San Pablo Bay and he would have to continue with his second string team of sailors. The Corinthians rose to the occasion, Ive never seen so much enthusiasm and more than ample participants from the club. Esther Carrico provided the needed coaching to our team along with our new cheer leaders who were beyond a doubt the sexiest group of young ladies on the island. The first game was easily won but the second was lost to the SFYC, fortunately we gained back our focus and finished them off in the third. Mr. Carrico you may now replace the trophy back on the mantle.
And victorious for the second year in the row, Ken Brennan and Dan Carrico reign as bocce ball champions.
You would not believe the line that I found awaiting at Eric Artmans pina colada juice bar. The blender was smoking, I guess word got out from last years event that the pina coladas were not to be missed.
John Bogue presented the awards for the winners of the games as well as for the table decoration contest. Richard and Sandra Solomon decided to switch from a nautical to a tacky theme this year for the table contest and left the judges stunned. You have to love the BBQ scene at TinsleyIve never seen so many professional chefs in one place grilling such a vast variety of meats, fishies and vegetables. Mr. Canadas band Night Train finished off the night with lots of Rock & Roll that was enjoyed by the whole group. Bill has even offered me a jobas head roadie and transportation coordinatorIll have to check my schedule, Bill.
I think everyone would agree that the cruise to Tinsley Island was a smashing success and I want to thank everyone who helped with the party as well as those members that brought a smile and their willingness to enjoy the good life. See you all back at Tinsley next year.
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