It Doesnt Hurt, Takes Five Minutes, and Doesnt Cost Money!
By: Doug Owen
Just a reminder for those of you who have not yet converted your Regular Membership to Regular Spousal, there are advantages! First and most obviously, conversion to Spousal Membership confers on each spouse equal membership status in all respects except voting privilege; and okay, you can still only have one car in the parking lot!
Why should you be taking the heat for all of those tabs you signed at the bar when the monthly statement comes in? Equal blame is just around the corner! Too busy to make it to that Annual Meeting? Theres still a voting member in the household. Spousal Membership also confers rights of survivorship in the event of the death of one member; why should your spouse be a guest at your Memorial Service on the deck? How embarrassing! How unnecessary!
A simple call to the Club Office can initiate your membership conversion. If your conversion request meets the terms of Article VI of the By Laws, a sample request letter appropriate for signature will be forwarded to you. Simply sign on the dotted line, send it back, and your request goes before the Board at the next meeting. If you paid your bill last month, it will undoubtedly slip right through. My wife did it for me, and it sure made me feel good!
Bet you wish youd thought of this for Valentines Day, huh?
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