The Corinthian Women
By Nancy Giachino
The April 11 meeting of The Corinthian Women will feature a change of venue as we join Lynn and Sy Richardson aboard their motor yacht, Five Stars. Lynn and her husband will be bringing their charter boat to the Corinthian Harbor guest dock at 6:30 P.M. All Corinthian women are invited to attend and may do so with an RSVP to our secretary, Edwina Serventi at (415) 435-8162, e-mail Edwserv@aol.com. There will be a $5.00 donation for the First Mates gratuity. Refreshments will be served and a brief Bay cruise will follow the meeting. We hope you will join us for an informative and fun filled evening On the Water!!
As mentioned in the last Telltale, the womans sailing seminar will be held on May 5, 6, 19 and 20. At press time we are still in need of spinnaker boats with captains. If you or your boat are available for any of these dates, please contact Marie Jorajuria at (415) 332-1366, email mariejj@hotmail.com. Anyone interested in assisting with any of the other volunteer activities associated with this event, should also contact Marie. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Corinthian women and get acquainted with new members.
The Corinthian Women are offering scholarships to the Big Sisters of Marin. If you are interested in sponsoring a student, contact Marie. Also remember, for those of you who are looking for the perfect gift for your wife, girlfriend or acquaintance, a sailing seminar registration serves as a once-in-a-lifetime gift. Again, Marie is your contact person, and she will gladly present you with a customized gift certificate.
Easter Sunday preparations are well underway. This event is always a huge success and this year again promises to be fantastic. Anyone interested in helping with decorations should contact Brenda Buckerfield at (415) 435-2254. Decorating will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday April 14, in the clubhouse. All volunteers are welcome!
The club store is now receiving new items daily and will be fully stocked by Opening Day. We currently have a great selection of neckties and scarves. On Friday, April 27, at 6 P.M. there will be a special necktie and scarf sale, to help you update your wardrobe for the Opening Day ceremonies. Store hours for Opening Day Weekend will be, Saturday, April 28 from 2-4 P.M. and Sunday, April 29 from 1-4 P.M.
Reminder to all members!!! Corinthian member guests are welcome at all Opening Day events; however, you must register them by name with the club office prior to Opening Day weekend. Pre-registration is a help to our staff during this busy weekend, and makes it easier for your guests to gain entry to the club. If you have any planning suggestions or wish to volunteer to help with this event, contact Sandra Soloman at (415) 435-8836.
As we mentioned in last months TELLTALE, TCW is planning an intimate cooking class featuring our outstanding chef. Look to future issues of the TELLTALE for more information about Cooking With Chef Ian.
Also included in upcoming plans are CPR classes. Sonja Conta will be leading these classes, which are planned for spring, summer and fall. Classes will range from 10 to 25 students per class and will include a small fee for CPR cards. Details to follow.
Ladies!! Are you receiving the TELLTALE? Remember that you can go on line and receive each edition. Our address is www.cychistory.org.
Whether you are a new or a long-standing member of the TCW, you will find our meetings are a great way to make new or extend existing friendships. We look forward to having you join us on April 11, at 6:30 P.M. aboard Five Stars.
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