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August 2002

Commodore's Column
The Corinthian Women
Ah, The Cruising Life
Corinthians in the Pac Cup
Who Are Those Guys?
Easter Seals Day
Cruise News
RCP Tiburon Mile Swim
A New Corinthian Woman
End Notes
Photo Gallery
Event Calendar

Cruise News

by Bruce Powell

Two cruises that all Corinthians should not miss:

Vallejo Jazz Cruise

The signup sheet is on the bulletin board for the cruise to the Vallejo YC to coincide with the Vallejo Shoreline Jazz, Art & Wine Festival August 24 & 25, 2001. Besides the jazz festival, the Vallejo YC has in the past given Corinthians a very warm welcome and a good party. Along with CYC members, alumnae of the Women’s Sailing Seminar will be attended. Women’s Sailing Seminar students are looking for CYC boats to crew on to join the fun. Please be sure to let Kay Rudiger know if you can take crew to this event at

Tinsley Island Cruise

Don’t miss the chance to attend the best cruise of the year, the Tinsley Island Cruise to be held on October 4-5. If you haven’t been to Tinsley Island, ask about it from someone who has! According to cruise organizer Bill Stuckey, the St. Francis YC requires all guests to sign up no later than September 5. SO BE SURE TO SIGN UP NOW!

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