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August 2002

Commodore's Column
The Corinthian Women
Ah, The Cruising Life
Corinthians in the Pac Cup
Who Are Those Guys?
Easter Seals Day
Cruise News
RCP Tiburon Mile Swim
A New Corinthian Woman
End Notes
Photo Gallery
Event Calendar

Photo Gallery

Here are all the photos from this month's issue of the Telltale. Click on a thumbnail image to view an enlarged version of the photo.

103_3 104_4 105_5 106_6 107_7
103_3.jpg 104_4.jpg 105_5.jpg 106_6.jpg 107_7.jpg
110_10 115_15 829_1_00 829_1_02 829_1_31
110_10.jpg 115_15.jpg 829_1_00.jpg 829_1_02.jpg 829_1_31.jpg
830_1_06 830_1_09 830_1_22 830_1_23 830_1_26
830_1_06.jpg 830_1_09.jpg 830_1_22.jpg 830_1_23.jpg 830_1_26.jpg
amanda b001_1 b009_9 b011_11 b012_12
amanda.jpg b001_1.jpg b009_9.jpg b011_11.jpg b012_12.jpg
b013_13 b014_14 b015_15 b030_30 b033_33
b013_13.jpg b014_14.jpg b015_15.jpg b030_30.jpg b033_33.jpg
b034_34 b104_4 b105_5 b124_24 b130_30
b034_34.jpg b104_4.jpg b105_5.jpg b124_24.jpg b130_30.jpg
bobthalman c007_7 c012_12 c018_18 c023_23
bobthalman.jpg c007_7.jpg c012_12.jpg c018_18.jpg c023_23.jpg
c101_1 c106_6 c107_7 c112_12 c113_13
c101_1.jpg c106_6.jpg c107_7.jpg c112_12.jpg c113_13.jpg
c117_17 c119_19 c120_20 c123_23 c125_25
c117_17.jpg c119_19.jpg c120_20.jpg c123_23.jpg c125_25.jpg
fashion LAbacos LAbacos2 LDonMyrna LlasPerlas
fashion.jpg LAbacos.jpg LAbacos2.jpg LDonMyrna.jpg LlasPerlas.jpg
LMyrnaChin LThanksgvn pCaplanDrives pcayenne2 pChocolateHome
LMyrnaChin.jpg LThanksgvn.jpg pCaplanDrives.jpg pcayenne2.jpg pChocolateHome.jpg
pcommunicator pemilycarr2 petard2 pHappyCrew pJohnWarren
pcommunicator.jpg pemilycarr2.jpg petard2.jpg pHappyCrew.jpg pJohnWarren.jpg
pJohnWarren2 pJohnWarren2amwatch pMichaelDriving pmoradwarren prainbow
pJohnWarren2.jpg pJohnWarren2amwa... pMichaelDriving.jpg pmoradwarren.jpg prainbow.jpg
proute pSpenceratMastTop pSVMirage pTheDonkeyTail pviennasausages
proute.jpg pSpenceratMastTo... pSVMirage.jpg pTheDonkeyTail.jpg pviennasausages.jpg

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