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December 2001

Commodore's Column
Junior Staff Commodore
The Corinthian Women
Who Are Those Guys?
Commodore's Ball
Yacht Ensign
Delta YC Cruise
Tinsley Cruise
New Members
On the Water
Ski Trip
CYC Heritage
Wake Safety
RCP Tiburon Swim
Event Calendar


By Esther Lerner Carrico

The Entertainment Committee has been hard at work to make this a memorable New Year's Eve for our membership. Carnival of Venice - A Masked Ball is sure to be a people pleaser. We have many surprises, which are sure to delight. The dress code is black tie, club blazer or costume. Masks will be provided in case you haven't one to wear. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Our band, Pure Pleasure, will be playing only the best dance music.

Reservations are at 165 already and reservations will be open to guests of members after December 10, 2001, so please don't delay and be left out of the festivities. Our seating capacity is 240. There will be no cancellations after December 20, 2001. Contact Frances at 415-435-4771 to make your reservation if you have not already done so. See you there!

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