On the Water
By Cliff Donoho
Michael Moradzadeh will serve as Race Committee Chairman for the coming year, and Trip Ames will be Cruise Chairman. They have both started to plan, organize, and schedule races and cruises for 2002. Mark Thompson will serve as Chairman of the Mid-Winter race series to be held January 19th and 20th, and February 16th and 17th, 2002. We already have about 30 entries for the series.

There will be a race committee-training seminar on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 1830, at the Club. All members that have volunteered, or wish to volunteer to serve on the committee, are urged to attend. The seminar will be conducted by world famous Corinthian members with many years of race and race committee experience.

Other events you may wish to put on your calendars are:
- Friday night series starts April 5, 2002.
- Women's Sailing Seminar; May 4th and 5th, and May 18th and 19th, 2002.
- CYC/TYC Friendship Regatta, June 15, 2002.
- Angel Island Regatta, July 13, 2002
- Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show, June 22nd and 23rd, 2002.
Don't forget to signup for the best darned midwinter regatta on the Bay, our own Corinthian Midwinters!
- Saturday January 19
- Sunday January 20
- Saturday February 16
- Sunday February 17

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