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December 2001

Commodore's Column
Junior Staff Commodore
The Corinthian Women
Who Are Those Guys?
Commodore's Ball
Yacht Ensign
Delta YC Cruise
Tinsley Cruise
New Members
On the Water
Ski Trip
CYC Heritage
Wake Safety
RCP Tiburon Swim
Event Calendar

Ski Daytrips

By Dr. Charles Arnold

For many years a loosely-organized bunch we call the "Tuesday Hooky Group" have piled into an SUV at 5:00 AM to spend a fraternal 3-1/2 hours driving east into the Sierras while watching the commuters moving slowly West. We ski until about 3:30 PM, which then gets us home at about 7:00 PM. Hal Mooz and I invite you to join us for some Tuesday hooky. Perhaps we can create a CYC Ski sub-group. You may reach either of us at these numbers:

  • Hal Mooz and/or Connie Heldman: Phone: 415-435-4616; Fax: 415-435-5899
  • Dr. Charles and Mrs. Carol Arnold: Phone: 415-789-0552; Fax: 415-789-0287

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