by Esther Lerner-Carrico
Up! Up! Up! is how attendance at our club events is going. Our Jazz nights are very popular, averaging over 70 persons and frequently sold out, in stark contrast to 20-24 members and guests usually dining on Saturday evenings. Thanks to Bill Canada, Harry Blake and the other members of The Bill Canada Jazz Experience, members are being treated to some great date nights of really fantastic music for listening and dancing. Our next date is Saturday, August 10th. I encourage everyone to come but advise advance reservations for this special evening.

We all owe thanks to Marj Bundschuh and Laurel Baudendistel, respectively, for two great events: Mothers Day and Fathers Day. Attendance was up for each: 128 and 127. It would appear that Mothers were more popular, but by the slimmest of margins. Mothers Day brunch was accompanied by a cellist and the dining room was beautifully decorated with flowers. The Fathers Day brunch was accompanied by jazz music by, you guessed it, The Bill Canada Jazz Experience. Great job Marj and Laurel!
Our next event is Independence Day, the 4th of July always a sellout. This years chairs are Torild Roberts and Sharon Barr. In the wake of 9/11, this year our countrys most important anniversary will be particularly meaningful to all of us as we reflect on our American liberty and its costs to the men and women in our armed services, our authorities and, now, to each of us as American citizens. Reservations are advised for dinner.
After the 4th of July, our next upcoming event is Bastille Day, Saturday July 13th. Nancy Giachino is chairing this event with Susan Travis assistance and we can expect as fabulous a time as ever! Entertainment, as is tradition, will be all homegrown talent: The Corinthian Mens Chorus, directed by Jackie Taylor, individual performers Bruce and Pascale Powell, Colette Clowes, yours truly and others. La cuisine francâise, du bon vin, la musique francâise et des bons amis! Ooh La La! The place will be packed with Francophiles!

Our 101st Annual Clambake party is on for Saturday, August 3rd. Thats right, research has confirmed it started in 1892. Obviously one of our favorite parties as a club from time immemorial, where the Board and Flag and others volunteer to, shuck, peel, boil, grill and generally serve up (with the great help of our CCI staff) one great meal! It too sells out, so if youre planning on attending, make a reservation! This year, we are adding a little Cajun twist to the event with the music of the Creole Belles and jambalaya replacing paella. A fabulous time is assured for all as Bev Dunn has agreed to follow on last years success by chairing this years event with Sharon Barrs help.
And for those with busy schedules and crammed social calendars, mark Monday September 2nd, Labor Day for the Commodores Picnic. This year we will be returning (weather permitting) to Angel Island, the scene of some very successful past Commodores Picnics. Most will arrive by buddy boat or the Angel Island ferry. We will have games for the adults and kids and more. Sharon Barr, once again ringing in, is our chair and picnic director aided by a dream team comprised of Torild Roberts, Kim Crawford, and Allyn Schafer, our very own Angel Island Park Ranger!
Mark Saturday, September the 28th on your calendars for this years Commodores Ball honoring Commodores past and present. This year will have some real surprises; you will need dancing shoes and your tux/gown or 60s retro clothes (a hint) around a fun theme to be announced later. We couldnt have better co-chairs than Brenda Buckerfield and Vali Bedey for this extravaganza!
We on the Entertainment Committee hope you are getting a full measure of enjoyment from this years club events. We sure try. On behalf of grateful members, thanks to all, especially the chairs, who work to make these events possible.
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