What's New Online
by Bruce Powell
I've added an interesting new feature to the CYC web site I'd like you to know about. Chef Ian has agreed to upload to the web the DINNER MENU for each upcoming weekend in the Member's Dining Room. You can view the menu
Chef Ian
online by going to the home page at http://www.cychistory.org to the "What's New" section and following the link there. There is also a link to the menu on the "The Dining Room" page. The menu will be online by Thursday of each week.
It is my hope that this will increase member awareness and participation in the Dining Room and also help to promote new membership in the Club since not all yacht clubs are so fortunate to have such a quality and varied dining menu.
Also look for more major improvements in The Dining Room page on the site coming soon.
The site has a new Search Engine since the company that produced the previous version had the gall to go from being a "free" service to a paid subscription. What is this world coming to??
I welcome any input or ideas on how we can improve our web site to better serve our members.