By Dan Carrico
The boating season is in full swing and Corinthians are busy doing what we are all so good at: sailing, power boating, fishing, eating, drinking and socializing. Did I forget something? The buzz around the club is all about club cruises, our Friday races, overseas group trips and vacations! This is as it should be, were all busy people. One thought for the club: if you havent done some volunteer act for some time, consider helping out our race committee they need help during this vacation season.
Your Flag, Board and Port Captain have recently undertaken a comprehensive facilities planning study with the help of the Facilities Planning Committee and its Chair, Anthony Cooney, and our Finance Committee and its Chair, Marj Bundschuh. An analysis such as this was last done in 2000 and it was felt needed updating. This review will evaluate all planned projects in a single context with updated construction cost estimates. The study period is ten years, with emphasis placed on the front end. We will be looking specifically to assess the adequacy of future projected reconstruction funds to meet needed projects. I will report back to membership when we have completed this. If anyone has expertise to share or suggestions, we would like to hear from you.

On behalf of CYC on June 9th I attended the grand opening ceremonies for Tiburon Yacht Clubs beautiful new clubhouse. It is a spectacular facility built exclusively by member volunteers. In much the fashion of our own clubhouse, I suspect. What a gala event it was! Everyone was in proper yachting regalia and gleefully celebrating the completion of a long hard effort. They should be very proud. To commemorate this singularly auspicious occasion and in a show of neighborly good will, your board decided unanimously to make a gift. I chose to replicate what the San Francisco Yacht Club gave to us for our 1986, 100th Anniversary: a teak mounted anemometer with a plaque inscribed Presented to the members of Tiburon Yacht Club by the members of the Corinthian Yacht Club in honor of your new clubhouse, friends and neighbors forever! Howard Folker has graciously volunteered to craft a beautiful wood mounting. I hope you all share our feeling that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and the right thing to do.
Courtesy of John Arndt, creator of the Summer Sailstice the annual international sailors celebration of the Summer Solstice, we had a sleepover in the Corinthian harbor Friday June 21st. In its second year, John has involved many yacht clubs and individuals around the world in this fun event. We had good participation, particularly from families with children and cruisers. A buffet breakfast was served the following morning. For many, this was followed by a great club cruise to Benicia led by Fred and Sonja Conta. We were treated to a tasty Mexican buffet and a live band. Our next cruise is to Encinal Yacht Club, July 20, led by Richard and Sandra Solomon. Bring your swim trunks and be ready for a good time.
Sail San Francisco recently contacted me in solicitation of our members volunteering to serve in many capacities when the tall ships under the Tall Ships Challenge 2002 visit San Francisco Bay. The ships will visit from August 28th to September 2nd, however there will be pre and post-festival events. Many of our members enjoyed participating with the San Francisco Yacht Club in support of and on board the Diawaruchi, an Indonesian cadet ship. It is also a great way to spread good international karma to the future leaders of their countries. You might want to consider buddy volunteering with other Corinthian friends. Anyone interested can either go to or sign up at our office, where there also is more info.
I hope you folks are enjoying your summers as much as Esther and I are. Thanks to the tireless efforts of so many and a high participation level in general, our club is healthy, happy and on a roll. It takes all of us to make this place so special. Enjoy your summer.