The Corinthian Women
by Alix Fagersten
Its that time of the year again...Time for The Corinthian Women to make their annual gift to the club. Drum-roll, please. This year, The Corinthian Womens annual gift includes new patio furniture, a plasma big-screen television for the bar, $ to start a Corinthian Kids camp, a new and very comfy chair for our hard-working office manager, and last but not least, a big $ contribution toward furnishing and decorating the soon-to-be renovated library.
If you havent been to the club recently, youre missing out. The club has been beautifully transformed for the Holidays by Paula Hansson and all of her helpers... Thanks to all who helped decorate. Especially the little helpers! The children did a fantastic job.
A club favorite, The Eggnog party was yet another successful event. Put on by The Corinthian Women it helped get us all into the Yuletide spirit for the holiday season. Thanks to everyone who contributed their time and energy to making this great evening happen and to everyone who brought goodies for all to share.

Santas coming to town! The annual Santas Brunch is quickly approaching
It will be held on Sunday, December 22 (rescheduled from the original Dec. 15 date due to storm damage) so make your reservations and dont forget to bring a gift, clearly marked with the childs name, for any little ones youre bringing along.
Where can you find something special for everyone on your Christmas shopping list? The Corinthian Womens Club Store, of course. The club store will have extended holiday hours, so make sure you stop by for cool Corinthian gear.
Lastly, The Corinthian Women held their annual meeting (read: party) on December 15th., and we toasted The Corinthian Womens new officers: Sharon Barr as President, Paula Hansson as Vice President, Alix Fagersten as Secretary and Tari Nix as Treasurer. A huge thank you to the officers from 2002 for a job well done!
Happy Holidays and see you at the club.