by Esther Lerner-Carrico
Our 2002 New Years party was magnificent thanks to the efforts of the dream team consisting of Beverly Dunn, Paula Hansson, Michael Rossi and Sandra Solomon working around the clock along with the help of Brenda and Richard Buckerfield, Commodore Dan Carrico, Frank Dunn, Loretta Madden, Teresa Prescott, Torild Roberts, Edwina Serventi, Patty Thompson and Susan Travis. What a great crew!

We could not have survived without the help of our lovely Frances Ramage who tirelessly arranged the reservations and seating.
The expert wizard of imagery, Michael Rossi of Michael Rossi Productions staging actually transported guests to another dimension - a masquerade ball in Venice! Michael is a new member who without reservation gave considerable time and resources perfecting this event as a member of the New Years Eve Entertainment Committee. Bravo Michael! Club Manager, Ingo Schreiber, assisted with organization and coordinated our club labor and was a great help. His wife Leslie who had her birthday that day helped Frances checking in guests. Happy birthday, Leslie and thanks. A HUGE thank you to all who participated in providing this memorable event for our membership.

A very tall and colorful jester greeted guests while he juggled and joked as guests arrived. A massive golden horse that must have belonged to a gladiator guarded the entrance and an Italian accordionist wearing a gondola hat strolled through the bar playing classic Italian songs. The guests dressed to the nines with beautiful masks and were a veritable feast for the eyes. We were so thankful that the rain stopped just in time for the evenings festivities and did not resume until the next morning.

We are fortunate to have great pictures taken by Marcia Peck and new member Bob Cain. Look for even more pictures on CYCs web site www.cychistory.org, and on our bulletin board.
As is CCIs tradition, we were served the most sumptuous hors d'hoeuvres one could imagine at the cocktail hour, and the classic pinnacle, superb Russian caviar with libation. The ice sculpture this year was the leaning tower of Pisa that kept leaning more and more as we had shots of Stolychnaya with our caviar. As the dinner hour approached all were lead upstairs by the accordionist past a 14-foot high female harlequin to be seated in the ballroom for dinner. With Frances' superb seating arranging, all you could hear from the guests was the ringing of their laughter. Guests did not stay seated very long as the band, Pure Pleasure, was true to its name and inspired all to dance with abandonment. The band even commented that they loved our group so much that this was the best time theyve ever had at the Corinthian. They even invited me to sing along with the lead singer in a number. During breaks a very exotic trapeze artist Angelique entertained us all to delight with her rendition of a Cirque du Soleil performance to music while hanging from a trapeze over the dance floor.

The ballroom has never been so transformed as it was covered floor to ceiling in vivid red draping with huge figures of jesters and clowns hung about the room. The creative use of professional lighting throughout the room was very effective in creating an exotic atmosphere. On the windows of the sun porch were huge lit faces of jesters that were really intriguing. Sandra Solomon and Brenda Buckerfield helped the florist with the table setting and the flower arrangements which included peacock feathers (appropriate for Marin).
Chef Ian and the staff of the Corinthian Catering were impeccable in their delivery of superb food and service. Everything was perfection. Thank you Patrick Satterfield and our marvelous bar staffyou were all great. Our special thanks to everyone for their great spirit in contributing to the joy of the event. Thank you, Leila Heyman, for thinking of everything ahead of time. Thank you Peter Hogg, as CEO of Corinthian Catering, for the generous donation of the $75 and $50 gift dining certificates used as second and third prizes in our best costume contest. Our winners were: First Prize - Brenda Buckerfield, Second Prize - Teresa Prescott and Third Prize -Beverly Cain. Dont miss the pictures of them in their costumes.
Commodore Dan Carrico was coaxed into wearing a kings crown for the evening and moved by the spirit of the evening, it didnt take too much coaxing. As is tradition, the Commodore called the countdown to the New Year and then BOOM! Out of cannons, shot big shiny pieces of confetti across the entire room! Another special Michael Rossi touch.

It was difficult to conclude this perfect night but alas the masquerade was over and on to 2002 with a great start. My best heartfelt wishes to fellow Corinthians for a healthy, happy and fun year. As Entertainment Committee Chair, speaking on behalf of the Committee, we will do our best to help out with the fun part by striving to bring you great events this year. Our 2002 Committee is consists of Sharon Barr, Laurel Boudendistel, Brenda Buckerfield, Beverly Dunn, Ed Fischer, Nancy Giachino, Paula Hansson, Andrea Holko, Torild Roberts, Michael Rossi, Sandra Solomon, Susan Travis and Valli Cooper-Bedey.
Our upcoming event is the Annual Valentines Day Romance Dinner which will be held in the dining room on February 14th, a Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. It is so nice to share this special night with friends as well as sweethearts. We will have a musician providing danceable music, candlelight and a delicious meal along with a few surprises. This will likely sell-out, so contact Frances and make your reservation as soon as possible. The Entertainment Committee welcomes your participation at any level in planning and conducting future events. If you are so inclined, e-mail me at estherlerner@earthlink.net or just call.
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