Commodores Column
By Dan Carrico
A very happy and healthy New Year to you all. May this year bring you joy and closer to your Club and your Corinthian friends.
As the year begins, just a comment on the Corinthian spirit I see going on all around the club. Our club could not be the wonderful place it is without the selfless and tireless contributions of many members. Keep it up!
We have a wonderful tradition each year called Members Appreciation Night honoring the many members who have served the club in a myriad of ways. In this tradition, the Corinthian Catering Company generously donates the dinner. It is always well attended and in my mind it is a favorite event because of its celebratory nature honoring service to the club. This year, I would like to see every Corinthian invited to attend. If you are a new member, or just want to get in on the fun, I encourage you to ask any Committee Chairperson how you can participate.
As two recent examples, the club owes a debt of gratitude to member Mansor Morid which I would like to acknowledge. Mansor owns a carpet and flooring business in Marin. He and his wife Shala joined in 2000. Mansor provided our upstairs sun porch carpeting at his cost. Recently after our downstairs carpet had been cleaned, I noticed it badly needed re-stretching that would not only improve appearances but extend its life. One call to Mansor and he had his crew come out andpresto!it was done.
Another generous act for which we are very grateful came from members Larry and Robert Hadley who own a local construction business. You undoubtedly have noticed that our pedestrian entrance ramp is being replaced. Port Captain Andre Klein made one call andpresto!construction equipment showed up for the job at no cost. Is this a great club or what?

So many exciting and fun things are in the works for this year at the good old Corinthian that I thought worth mentioning, or better yet, beating the drums about.
Beginning Saturday, February 23rd the Entertainment Committee under the leadership of Esther Lerner-Carrico will be introducing live dining room music on most Saturday evenings! Yes, thats right, you will be able to come to the club on a date or double date to enjoy the music, dance or just listen in the most intimate supper club on the bay and enjoy specially prepared, wonderful food by Chef Ian! The types of music will vary; dinner jazz, flamenco guitar, Cajun, show tunes, home-town Corinthian talent, classic piano and more.
A calendar will be published as a guide as will a recorded message on special extension on the Club's phone system just like the movies! And youll be able to look it up on the club web site, You will always have easy access to this information when looking for something to do on Saturday nights.
Our Mid-Winter Regatta is right at hand and, I will also say, well in hand by our experienced skipper, Staff Commodore Mark Thompson who has kindly agreed to run this years series again after his last years success. Look for record turnouts and phenomenal shore side activities January 19th & 20th and February 16th and 17th!
Race Committee Chairman Michael Moradzadeh is fielding a first-class team this year and he still can use volunteers for race committee. This is an excellent opportunity to learn, have fun and give back to your club Way to go Michael!
Another event on the horizon for the menfolk is the Club's 116th Annual Cooks and Waiters Dinner, Saturday, February 2nd, being chaired by Rick Saber, Head Steward. The clubhouse bar and upper deck will be open Friday the 1st and closed Saturday and Sunday to non-attendees. Cost is a very reasonable $50 all-inclusive. To reserve, call the club office. Regular dining service will commence the next Friday February the 8th. This is a weekend where our staff traditionally take much needed vacations as well.
For the womenfolk, this years annual Mermaids in Mischief will be held that same evening, Saturday February 2nd. It is being hosted this year by Marcia Peck and held in her home in Paradise Cay, Tiburon beginning at 7:00 PM until the cows come home. With Marsha heading it up you can count on a great time! The affair will be potluck with lots of activities, games and bring your jammies because you will have an option for a sleepover with plenty of room. All women members are invited to come and partake in sisterhood. Call Marcia for more details. Ladies may call the club office to RSVP.
Olé! Olé! There are still cabins left on the Club's fabulous VIP Mexican Riviera cruise departing L.A. Saturday, March 16th for seven days to Ports of call Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. We will be among the first passengers aboard Princess new Star Princess and our group (42 so far) will be treated to many exclusive special experiences on board. Shore excursions include golf, fishing and lots more. Cabin availability is becoming very limited, so if you are still on the fence, act now. For details, pick up a brochure at the club or call members Fred Mayo and Cindi Marques at (415) 381-0306.
Your Flag, Board and all of the Committee Chairs and members wish you all a great Corinthian year!
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