Port Captain's Report
by André Klein
Anyone who has visited the Club in recent days will have noticed that something is missing. The entry ramp is no more. It has been demolished to make way for a new, upgraded replacement. Actually, using the word demolished is probably an overstatement as it would have succumbed to gravity many years ago had it not been shored and reshored numerous times over the past years. We had known for a long time that the ramp was in bad shape, but how bad did not truly come to light until demolition was begun. It was truly scary.
The new structure will consist of a concrete filled metal deck atop a framework of treated timbers. On the old ramp, concrete had been poured over a wood deck, similar to the old Pneumonia Alley deck, with the same results, namely a massive case of rot. The new and improved version should give the Club many years of trouble free use.

The present schedule, weather permitting of course, calls for the construction to be completed by the end of March. We will be using our own personnel for the most part, augmented by subcontractors where necessary. It is going to be a bit of an inconvenience having to use the stairway for a while, but all the staff involved in the project are committed to completing this job in as timely a fashion as possible. When the new ramp is finished, were sure that the membership will consider the result worth the time and the effort.
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