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October 2003

Commodore's Column
The Corinthian Women
Who Are Those Guys?
Delta YC Cruise
The Tinsley Cruise
The New "Kids"
CYC Wifi Network
Members Dining News
CYC Speakers Series
Editor's Notes
Event Calendar
Photo Galleries
Half Moon Bay Cruise
Commodore's Picnic
Women's Regatta
Encinal Cruise
Tinsley Island Cruise
Friday Night Regatta
E. Ross Wood Regatta
New Members Party

What's New In Member Dining?

by Chef Ian Morrison

Our Pastry Chef Rosemarie De Soto! She joined us this summer and has been creating fabulous desserts for the Member Dining Room. Pictured are the three from last weekend: Coconut Ice Cream with Mango Salad and Myers Rum, Princess Cake, and Fresh Berries In a Chocolate Covered Filo Basket.


Rosemarie is a native of San Francisco and has been in the food business for twenty years. She owned two delicatessens, one of which, De Soto Deli was next to De Soto Bail Bonds, her father's business in the city (remember that name if you ever get in trouble!). After selling the delis, she worked on the staff at Marin Country Club. In 2000 she went to the California Culinary Academy and earned credentials as a Pastry Chef. Since graduation, she has worked at the Sweden House and the 5th Avenue Bakery. Besides CYC, Rosemarie has also been creating pastries for Forbes Island. Her gracious smile and talent are welcome in our galley!

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