Telltale Newsletter Index
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October 2003

Commodore's Column
The Corinthian Women
Who Are Those Guys?
Delta YC Cruise
The Tinsley Cruise
The New "Kids"
CYC Wifi Network
Members Dining News
CYC Speakers Series
Editor's Notes
Event Calendar
Photo Galleries
Half Moon Bay Cruise
Commodore's Picnic
Women's Regatta
Encinal Cruise
Tinsley Island Cruise
Friday Night Regatta
E. Ross Wood Regatta
New Members Party

Editor’s Notes
by Bruce Powell

This issue is the first Club newsletter to be printed with full color photos. I hope that you enjoy this new feature! Since the process is more expensive than black & white printing, this has been made possible through support of our member sponsors, as well as contributions from The Corinthian Women and the Membership Committee.

As always, you can see all of the photos, and many more, in full color online at the Club web site,

[editor's note: some members have since objected to the use of advertising to help pay for the increased cost of color printing, so there will not be any advertising in future issues.]

Help Wanted!!

The best way to increase your enjoyment of the Club is by participating in some essential Club activity, service, or committee. By lending your expertise, you meet some great people and help make our Club what it is. We currently need the following people:

Publishing Person: a Club member with computer, publishing or photo editing experience, to help put out this newsletter a few times a year! Would love to get a publishing/Quark/Photoshop ace, but no actual writing ability or special skills required as long as you’re willing. Strictly part time, every other month or so. Zero pay, but excellent fringe benefits. Email us at

I.T. Person: a Club member with technical knowledge who can help advise Club in its design/selection of a POS system—if you have this kind of experience we need to hear from you.We are putting together a team of volunteers to get this goal accomplished. Contact Cliff Donoho or email

Men Who Like to Sing: for the Corinthian Men’s Chorus upcoming performance at the Egg Nog Party on Dec. 6. If you can hold a tune without shattering the windows, you’re our man. Contact chorus director Jackie Taylor, or email, or just show up at the Member’s Dining Room Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. for rehearsal and camaraderie.

[next page]

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